Believe In Miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? 

How do you approach seeing something with your own two eyes that is beyond explanation?

Do you attempt to process it with logic and reason or do you revel in the awe of what you have just seen?

Most of us will dismiss it or look for an alternative story or claim it to be an illusion or some form of trickery.

But what if it was real?  What if we witnessed something God had done and just accepted it as such?

Do not be so quick to dismiss the signs and wonders.  God is working around you every day of your life.  He is performing tiny to miraculous things as you speak.  He is generating awe inspiring spectacles that stretch the imagination and send us on a journey of discovery so we can dispell the wondering if He really exists. 

Truly I tell you, God is real.

Truly I tell you, God loves you.

Truly, I believe in Him as He dwells in me (and you) in the form of Holy Spirit.

What if the next miracle is something He puts on your heart to do for someone else?

What if you are the miracle?

You are…… believe it!

Have a blessed night!

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