Obstacles and Opportunities

If the past few months have taught me anything it is every opportunity has its obstacles and every obstacle is an opportunity.

Change is an inevitable part of our existence. 

We all experience varying degrees of change and the puzzling nuances it presents that we must navigate within our lifetime.

We have new experiences every day and even newer obstacles within the realm of the unknown that come with the risks we take. 

Have you ever started something and right in the middle of it you begin to second guess what the next steps are so you either panic or just come to a screeching halt? 

What about when you have been doing something for so long and someone comes along who does it better or completely changes the dynamic of the thing you have been working through for what seems like a lifetime? 

You become angry or discouraged.  You may feel the grips of envy or jealousy creeping in and be overtaken by doubt.  What you feel is unfamiliar and you may question every little step you take going forward or just give up completely.

I want you to keep in mind two things:

1) We can only grow if we allow ourselves to experience uncomfortable challenges. 

Challenges evoke change.

2) The only true obstacle we have is ourselves.  We were not created to quit.  If we fail, it is because we have given up and become a slave to fear and doubt.

Allow yourself the grace to know it is ok to fail and the wisdom to know you have to try again.  Fail often, fail well, then get up and dust yourself off and just keep going.

You are truly amazing.  You are created for great things. You are strong. You are courageous. You are a true champion.

May God be with you as you receive this message.

Have a blessed day!

5 thoughts on “Obstacles and Opportunities

  1. Change is hard and your reflections hit the nail on the true obstacle to overcome – doubt. Grace and permission to try, fail and learn are most certainly good ways to move forward.

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    1. These have been my transitioning moments between November through March of this year. God is great about showing us His Grace in these moments so we can push doubt to the side and stand in our authority so mercifully supplied by Him! Thanks for your response and have a blessed day!

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